For me, October means falling leaves, Canadian Thanksgiving, cool mornings, dark evenings, my kids cross country season quickly coming to an end, and an inevitable snowfall ........
Oh come on, who's kidding who . . . . as of yesterday it means I have
3 weeks of hard training left,
4 weeks till I get on a train and leave,
5 weeks till the eminent, impending, IRONMAN FLORIDA! Sigh. . . .
Ya - it's kind of a big deal in my life. I've been working on this for almost a year now, and I have learned a lot of life lessons along the way. One of which is the following quote. . . .
"Sometimes, and for all of us this is true, we are running away . . .
Sometimes we are running to search . . .
But if we realize deep down that the truth of our running
is that in our running, in our moving, we 'find' ourselves . . .
Then for us running is the gift that lets us know ourselves deeper."
- Lizzy Hawker