Happy First of July!!!!
I think I would like to make this delicious fruit treat into a Canadian Flag, but I don't think I have the patience. . . but it would be super - cute!!
To all my Americans friends!
Happy 4th of July!!!!
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT IS REALLY JULY? We are half way through the year 2012, half way through this challenge . . . . . how are you feeling? I hope you will take the time to watch this little video . . .
It's about failure. . . (why am I showing you a video about failure?? How is this encouraging??) Well, if you feel like you have EVER failed at ANYTHING? You NEED to watch this.
Remember, you can't get better without failing.....
Short report on if you like to walk/run alone or with a friend . . . . . here are the results!
9 voted to walk/run with a friend/partner.
6 voted to be alone.
5 were on the fence - like both. . . . Thanks for sharing!
With a partner. I get out much more regularly.
with a partner
I prefer to run by myself, and walk with a friend
Love walking with a friend!
with someone
I prefer to walk with a partner.
with a friend/husband/family
First choice is with someone...don't like to do it alone unless I'm at the gym.
I like to run alone. I spend all day with people at work then kids at home.
Nice to run alone and not have to think about anything!
Alone...sometimes it's the only "alone time" I get!
I usually run by myself, my music, my thoughts....(We can solve the worlds problems while running) and my dogs.... (for safety from the Bears, Cougars and Wolves). Sometimes my kids on their bikes...( for bait) haha . And that is if the wind isn't blowing crazy out here in Mountain View...if that is the case it's by myself on my reliable treadmill with the news...Kelly....The View....or The Doctors..
depends on my mood
both, i enjoy the solitude of a good,hard run but also enjoy a good chat with a friend while walking.
Depends on the day and my mood!
I love to be alone to think, and I forget that I also love to run with a friend - I always learn something GREAT when I do!
walk with a friend or partner